Our Team
These are people who play an important role in maintaining PixelOS
from day to day work to monthly updates.
Karan ParasharPixelOS Co-founder; porsche and lisa Maintainer
No excuses!
AryanCore-Member; sweet, davinci and kiev Maintainer
Aryan here.
SugakesshaaCore-Member; martini, oscar and pipa Maintainer
Make every moment cherish :)
Hridaya PrajapatiCore-Member; gauguin Maintainer
Life is not so yahooo~
Mohit here, I turn logic into pixels.
Amartya GarikapatiDesigner
falling's easy, but it only brings you down
Sasha McClearyAdministration
Sasha McCleary here.
Shivansh AgarwalPixelOS Founder
I don't know how it works but it just works.
Adarsh GrewalPixelish Founder
Adarsh Grewal here.
sarthakroy2002cancunf, sunny and RMX2020 Maintainer
It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me
kardebayanRMX2001L1, surya and salaa maintainer
kardebayan here.
cyberknight777cancunf and sunny Maintainer
You gotta do what you gotta do 乁(ツ)ㄏ
balgxmrcepheus Maintainer
In the Milky Way
NotZeetaaalioth Maintainer
I love cats and dogs!
Fellipe LimaSamsung Galaxy 10 Series and F62/M62 Maintainer
Stay calm and be yourself!
Raghav Tandonperidot Maintainer
Muhammad Naumanlunaa Maintainer
Live Life Awesome Everyday
Rahul Kantrapallycupid Maintainer
Crazy? I was crazy once. They put me in a room. A rubber room.
Thomas Dadazeus Maintainer
Ahmed Tohamyapollo Maintainer
InFeRnOaston and benz Maintainer
Ganyu Shrimp